Finance Trend: Millennials love to learn (about finance)

They’re worried about their finances, they crave control, they’re used to quantify their lives, and they love to learn. Add up these four elements, and you’ll understand why financial education for Millennials is a thing. One third (34%) of Millennials, queried by Bank of America last year, graded their overall understanding of personal finances a C, D or F, and 41% of Millennials confess they are “chronically stressed” about money. Much of the stress has to do with the friction between wanting to become and stay financially healthy, and not knowing how to get there. Millennials have seen how their parents struggled when the economy went sour, and very much want to avoid that. Lots of youngsters refrain from credit cards , for instance, because they don’t want to endebt themselves. According to Bank of America, Millennials prioritize saving for the future over having enough money to live comfortably today (71% vs. 60%). But most Millennials simply ...