
Showing posts from March, 2019

Finance Trend: Millennials love to learn (about finance)

They’re worried about their finances, they crave control, they’re used to quantify their lives, and they love to learn. Add up these four elements, and you’ll understand why financial education for Millennials is a thing. One third (34%) of Millennials, queried by Bank of America last year, graded their overall understanding of personal finances a C, D or F, and 41% of Millennials confess they are “chronically stressed” about money.   Much of the stress has to do with the friction between wanting to become and stay financially healthy, and not knowing how to get there. Millennials have seen how their parents struggled when the economy went sour, and very much want to avoid that. Lots of youngsters refrain from credit cards , for instance, because they don’t want to endebt themselves. According to Bank of America, Millennials prioritize saving for the future over having enough money to live comfortably today (71% vs. 60%). But most Millennials simply ...

Part 1- Positive Thoughts are your Source Code for Confidence.

Human beings are like computers. We have our body, which is the hardware.We have our brain, which is the CPU, where all the action happens. We have our thoughts, which are our source code, the programming. We have our life experiences that are dictated by our source code, our thoughts. Let�s take this analogy one step further.  If you are on your computer looking at a web page and you see a typographical error, you can make a change on your screen and feel better instantly. This is a temporary change, however. As soon as you pull something else up on your screen, those changes disappear. When you return to that web page, you see the edits did not occur.  The real, permanent change comes when you go back to the source, the source code that creates what you see externally. Our lives are like the web page. It�s what we see and what others see.  Our lives are the reflection of our thoughts.  Thoughts become our reality. When someone says thoughts are things, that...

Beleidscel en Secretariaat van de Eerste Minister - Maarten leyts

De Kanselarij van de Eerste Minister is de federale overheidsdienst die afhangt van de eerste minister. De dienst ondersteunt de eerste minister bij de coördinatie van het regeringswerk. Hij bereidt de reglementaire bevoegdheid van de eerste minister voor en voert ze uit, meer bepaald op het gebied van de overheidsopdrachten. Daarnaast ondersteunt hij de eerste minister op logistiek vlak en vervult meer en meer de rol van verkeersknooppunt tussen de federale staat en de deelstaten enerzijds, en de Europese Unie anderzijds. De Kanselarij informeert over de beleidsbeslissingen van de regering en promoot het imago van België in de wereld.