Part 1- Positive Thoughts are your Source Code for Confidence.

Human beings are like computers. We have our body, which is the hardware.We have our brain, which is the CPU, where all the action

happens. We have our thoughts, which are our source code, the programming. We have our life experiences that are dictated by our

source code, our thoughts.

Let�s take this analogy one step further.  If you are on your computer looking at a web page and you see a typographical error,

you can make a change on your screen and feel better instantly. This is a temporary change, however. As soon as you pull something

else up on your screen, those changes disappear. When you return to that web page, you see the edits did not occur.  The real,

permanent change comes when you go back to the source, the source code that creates what you see externally.

Our lives are like the web page. It�s what we see and what others see.  Our lives are the reflection of our thoughts.  Thoughts

become our reality. When someone says thoughts are things, that is what it means to manifest, to make real.

 Using this analogy, how do you change your life?  You change your thoughts. Change the source code of your life and you will

change what you experience or see in your life.

Do these 5 things:

    Commit to keeping your thoughts positive
    Make a list of positive thoughts to fill your mind
    Reflect on these positive thoughts hourly
    Reward your behavior with positive praise
    Continue to expand your knowledge
